Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Love Song For Sleep

If I blog about sleep, will it find me?

Things get so boring in those hours between 3 and 8 am, when everyone is still asleep. Have you ever realized that the hours you have nothing else to do are the hardest ones to get work done during? If I could only make use of these odd hours, I could write a novel or something. I certainly wouldn't be online. No one updates facebook at this hour.

Some physiological effects of sleep deprivation (according to wikipedia):
-Blurred vision
-Dark circles under the eyes
-De-realization (a personal favorite)
-Slurred speech
-Severe yawning (oh no!)
-(Drum roll please...) Sleep

Thank you wikipedia, for informing me I'll go crazy and yawn.

And, just to be a real masochist, here are some songs that make sleep sound really nice:

The Postal Service - Sleeping In

Liam Finn - Lullaby

The Smiths - Asleep


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